Parade of Lights and Frantic Paper Writing

I was called in to interview for the position at Japango a second time and yet again did not get the job. I had no idea a resturant would be so picky about their staff! Guess it just goes to show how tough the job market is these days. I'm lucky enough to have a little of my finacial aid from school to live off so I have time to keep looking. Let you know when I get another interview somewhere.

Yesterday Brendan and I went into Denver to watch the Parade of Lights. It was a really fun night time parade with Christmas lights on all the floats. It was freezing but a great time. We've really been in the Christmas spirit this year and have putting Christmas lights up outside and as you can see from the photo dressing the dog up a little.

I don't have a ton of money for presents this year so I've been trying to make some of them. Brendan and I are attempting to make a nativity set for his parents this year. It's pretty fun to have a craft project to do together.

But mostly tonight and all of next week are going to be dedicated to school work. All of my exams and final papers are due next week which is a little intense but nothing I can't manage with a little lost sleep. Now I'm off to write my final paper for my history class on the pre-Christian roots of Christianity and the life of Jesus. Pretty interesting stuff so far...just wish it wasn't due Monday so I'd have time to really read all about it!

Thanksgiving Recap & Job Interview

That's a picture of the centerpiece I made for the table at Thanksgiving (see that floral design training is finally good for something!) and the second is of Emily and me at Thanksgiving. It's a terrible photo but sadly the only one we took so it's all I have to share. Thanksgiving went really well this year. Emily did an amazing job on all the food and the house looked great too. Ivory however had a nasty stomach bug and spent most of the day napping so we didn't get to see her much.

I got a call this weekend from a local sushi restaurant where I had applied for a hostess position several weeks ago. They had already hired someone else but apparently she didn't work out and now I'm the new perspective employee! I'm going in for a second interview this afternoon! I'll let you all know how it goes and if I officially have the job as soon as I know. Here's a link to the restaurant's website if you want to get a better idea what kind of place it is: